Eye Infections In Cats: Frequently Asked Questions

Posted on: 23 June 2022


Your cat's eyes, which are typically bright and curious, might look a little strange. There is a strange discharge, and your cat seems to be in mild discomfort. If you suspect your cat has an eye infection, it is important to understand the symptoms of an infection, the potential causes, and when you should take your cat to the veterinarian. Here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions you might have about an eye infection in your cat.

What Are the Symptoms of an Eye Infection in Cats?

Although the signs and symptoms of an infection in your cat's eyes can vary depending upon the cause of the infection or irritation, there are a handful of symptoms you can expect to see, including:

  • Redness and irritation
  • Swelling
  • Cloudy eyes
  • Your cat will try to paw or rub their eyes

Another common symptom is a discharge from the eyes. For some cats, depending upon the cause of the infection or irritation, your cat eyes might leak just water. In other cases, your cat's eyes might have a green or yellow discharge that can cause their eyes to crust over.

What Are Common Causes of Eye Infections in Cats?

There are several potential causes of an infection in your cat's eyes. One common cause is simply that your cat has a cold and is producing excess mucus. Your cat might have an infection that is caused by a parasite, virus, or bacteria. Conjunctivitis is another common infection of the cat's eyes that will make your cat's eyes appear very red.

Whatever the cause, it is important that if you suspect that your cat has an eye infection, you talk to your veterinarian right away. Some of the common causes of eye infections can be very contagious and not seeking proper treatment can cause the infection to spread to the other pets in your household.

How Will My Veterinarian Diagnose and Treat an Eye Infection?

In addition to performing a physical exam, your cat's veterinarian will perform a variety of tests to determine the cause of your cat's infection. For example, your veterinarian will ask several questions about when the symptoms began and if your cat was in contact with any other sick animals. Your vet may also take blood and urine samples to get a more thorough diagnosis.

There are several treatments available, such as antibiotics, anti-viral medications, and eye drops.

Eye infections in cats are very common and highly treatable. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to contact your veterinarian right away.