Veterinary Services Your New Cat May Need Shortly After Adoption

Posted on: 3 December 2020


When you bring a new cat home or adopt a feral cat, you should schedule a trip to the veterinarian as soon as you can. Whether your new pet is a kitten or an adult cat, they need routine medical care. Here are some veterinary services your cat might need shortly after adoption.

Physical Exam

The veterinarian will check your cat for signs of illness, parasites, and other conditions. If you adopted a feral adult cat, they may have been exposed to parasites in the wild. Their diet may have been poor, and they may even have an illness or injury that needs to be treated. A physical exam could include blood work and checking their stool for parasites.


One of the most important veterinary services your cat needs is to receive vaccinations on schedule. If you get a kitten, the vet will follow the recommended schedule for routine vaccinations that protect your pet against a variety of serious illnesses. Your cat needs these vaccines even if they'll be indoors all the time.

If you take in an adult cat, you may not know what kind of vaccines your cat has had in the past, if any. Your vet will decide on the right vaccines to give and when to give them. Vaccines are often repeated every few years, and you may need the documented evidence your cat has been vaccinated if your cat ever bites someone or if you want to leave your cat at a cat hotel when you go on vacation.

Teeth Cleaning

Teeth cleaning is usually done once a year for cats. This is important so the vet can check your cat for cavities that might be causing pain. Rather than wait until your cat develops dental disease, it's best to have their teeth cleaned annually.

Spay Or Neuter

Talk to your veterinarian about spaying or neutering your cat. Your vet may recommend it in case your cat gets outdoors. A male cat that's neutered may have less desire to roam and get in fights with other cats. Spaying and neutering can also help your cat stay healthier and reduce the risk of tumors and cancer later in life.

Once your cat has had these basic veterinary services, they will hopefully enjoy good health in the months to come. A vet can also help with behavioral problems, flea and tick control, dietary issues, and any health problem that comes up as your cat gets older. Plan to take your new pet to the vet's office at least once a year so your cat has a long and healthy life.